Saturday, October 31, 2009

Seedling (42/365)

Seedling (42/365)
Where: Hudson River Park, NYC
When: Today

Out With The Old

Out With The Old
Where: Hudson River Park, NYC
When: October 31, 2009

Taken with a Nikon D90, biatches! Woot! I did literally nothing to this, I didn't even crop it. So far, I'm loving the enhanced speed, the improvement on the noise front is blowing me away, and I feel like the colors, sharpness, and IQ are tremendously improved. Another big deal is that I almost always disagreed with the D80's meter about what the "correct" exposure should be, and pretty much had settings in my head and ignored the meter - I had learned about what the settings SHOULD be for the light and what the meter was telling me was a little tangential. The D90 and I are so far very much in accord, however, and I'm very excited about the prospect of being able to rely a bit more heavily on my camera's abilities.

This is not to say that the D80 is a bad camera, I learned SO much from it, and got some great shots. I'm certainly not throwing it out. ;) But three years is a lot in camera land, and holy crap is the D90 a whole different deal.

Rainbow Views

Rainbow Views
Where: West Village, NYC
When: October 25, 2009

Friday, October 30, 2009

Pathetique Punt (41/365)

Pathetique Punt (41/365)
Where: My apartment
When: Today

Oh man, total punt today. I was running around like crazy, and did not have a second to play with the camera until now. BUT part of the reason I was running around was that I was on Camera Quest 2009!! Which, like any good quest, ended up being rather epic - my friend and I anticipated an easy stroll to B&H, but it was closed! Oh no!

So then we found two other places she knew about, one of which had excellent customer service, but did not have the items I wanted to see (I'm thinking about a P&S to make this project a little easier on the days I don't want to carry my D80). The other had such terrible customer service I went "you know what, nevermind", and walked out.

Then we went to J&R, who had two of the cameras I could play with, but neither in stock... and it turned out that I hated them both. BUT, when, dejected, we started to leave, we decided - what the hell, let's look at the SLRs, and I got to play with a D*90*, and oh my goodness I got HEART PALPITATIONS people! The speed! The pretty huge LCD screen! The NOISE - I took a shot at 2500 iso, and saw LESS noise than I get with the D80 at iso 800. Oh man. So I think the result is that I am giving up on the P&S quest, and instead getting myself a new SLR body. (squee!!)

Some things you want will just never be right

Some things you want will just never be right
Where: Hudson River Park, NYC
When: September 16, 2009

Title from Patty Griffin's song "Rain", which is on repeat in my head recently. Not starting out stellar today. I went climbing on Wednesday (in the gym) (and also - yay!) for the first time since I got mono, which was great, but I am very achy and sore as a result. Even though I was careful to only climb for a short period of time, I am super, SUPER weak, so the 4 very easy routes I did were enough to leave me feeling pretty wrecked.

The point is, when my body hurts, my brain hurts. So I'm tired, cranky and depressive. Hence the bw moodiness of the photos I decided to post today. ;)

High Contrast in Horizontals

High Contrast in Horizontals
Where: Hudson River Park, NYC
When: October 25, 2009

How's that for a fancy-pants title, eh? I'm not even sure it makes sense. Is it still a horizontal if it's in a different plane? It is, right? Blarg, my head just isn't working today. And also, the smaller size is making the highlights a little TOO clipped, maybe. Sigh.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sine or Cosine (40/365)

Sine or Cosine (40/365)
Where: Chelsea, NYC
When: Today


Where: West Village, NYC
When: October 13, 2009

Looking Back

Looking Back
Where: Hudson River Park, NYC
When: October 25, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's finally quiet in my head (39/365)

It's finally quiet in my head (38/365)
Where: My Apartment
When: Today

Title from Anna Nalick's Wreck of the Day. I love doing yoga to her music, it sets just the right mood for me.

Open up

Open up
Where: Soho, NYC
When: October 25, 2009

Rules Based Graffiti

Rules Based Graffiti
Where: West Village, NYC
When: October 26, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cat Nap (38/365)

Cat Nap (38/365)
Where: My Apartment, NYC
When: Today

Stairway to Where?

Stairway to Where?
Where: West Village, NYC
When: October 26, 2009

Bridesmaid Bouquet

Where: McHenry, IL
When: October 17, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Slipping to the Side (37/365)

Slipping to the Side (37/365)
Where: West Village, NYC
When: Today

Last Gasp

Last Gasp
Where: Highline Park, Chelsea, NYC
When: October 14, 2009

Window on the World

Window on the World
Where: Greenwich St., West Village, NYC
When: October 23, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Autumn Coruscation (36/365)

Autumn Coruscation (36/365)
Where: Highline Park, Chelsea, NYC
When: Today

Where: Highline Park, Chelsea, NYC
When: October 15, 2009

Walk The Line

Walk The Line
Where: Bleecker Street, West Village, NYC
When: October 23, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Whoops. (35/365)

Whoops.  (35/365)
Where: My Apartment, NYC
When: Today

I might have accidentally spent every single daylight hour of today with these items glued to my hot little hands... What!? It was pouring rain! Did I mention I got a freaking ONE HUNDRED on my palpation exam? A girl needs a day off to pretend she has a horse, a sword, and can turn into a wolf at will, is what I'm saying. Sweet Zelda: Twilight Princess. Take me away.

Go Down Gloriously

Go Down Gloriously
Where: West Village, NYC
When: October 23, 2009

Bring Me Your Brio

Bring Me Your Brio
Where: Bleecker Street, West Village, NYC
When: October 23, 2009

I was listening to some kickass tango music while I edited this shot, and the fiery look in his eye, and the awed look in the female's gaze and her matching step fit the feel perfectly. You might have to actually be listening to the music to get what I'm getting, though. ;) I just downloaded two Gotan Project albums, and oh my god. I love it, but I think I might have accidentally permanently seared tango beats into my neural pathways, because I am practically breathing the rhythm in my sleep.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Your Move (34/365)

Where: Bleecker Street, West Village, NYC
When: Today

Fall Fire

Fall Fire
Where: Highline Park, Chelsea, NYC
When: October 15, 2009

Aced my palpation exam! Woot! Bring it, A&P.

The Underground

The Underground
Where: Christopher St. West Village, NYC
When: October 9, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Zygomatic What? (33/365)

Zygomatic What? (33/365)
Where: Swedish Institute, NYC
When: Today

Palpation midterm tomorrow, A&P/skeletal system final Wednesday. Feeling ready, let's hope that's an accurate assessment...

Where: Hudson River Park, NYC
When: September 30, 2009

A title is not coming to mind. My mind is very groggy, having a super low energy day. Hoping it's just temporary.

Extraordinarily Ordinary

Where: Chelsea, NYC
When: September 24, 2009

Loved the light on this day, and decided to try to make a parking sign interesting. I'm undecided on the crop - at the time, I preferred the chopped off P, but now I kind of feel like including the entire sign would have been a better idea.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Variation on a Theme: Same Sun, Different Day

Variation on a Theme: Same Sun, Different Day
Where: Solterreno, Vall de Laguar, Spain
When: July 1, 2009

mmmmmm Spain. I would love to go back to this little cabin. It might be my favorite place on the planet.

This isn't my favorite shot, I don't think the quality is very good, in terms of noise etc. But the colors are nice, and I get to pretend I'm there for a second, so I'll take it. Plus most of the other stuff I have to post are flowers, and I'm bored of flowers right now.

Variation on a Theme: Billboard Wisdom

Variation on a Theme: Billboard Wisdom
Where: Highline Park, Chelsea, NYC
When: October 15, 2009

I don't know about this one, I like the graphic feel, but I'm pretty sure that's due to the graphic designer who created the billboard, rather than to my photographic talents. ;)

Piper's feeling better today, slept through the night, and there has been no additional puking incidents. Phew.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It sucks to be sick (31/365)

It sucks to be sick (31/365)
Where: My Apartment, NYC
When: Today

My poor girl has a gastrointestinal thing going on, she had to wake us up twice last night to go outside, and threw up after trying to eat breakfast this morning, and she's walking hunched and flinching when I touch her, so she's still hurting. Took this photo after we got back from the vet. No obstruction that we can tell, so we're doing the "no food, wait 24 hours" thing.

Fog of Flora

Fog of Flora
Where: Highline Park, Chelsea, NYC
When: October 15, 2009

I don't think anybody's home

I don't think anybody's home
Where: Highline Park, Chelsea, NYC
When: October 15, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Splat (30/365)

Splat (30/365)
Where: West Village, NYC
When: Today

Seeing this made me feel like I was in a game of "De Blob" on the Wii. Good times.


Where: Hudson River Park, West Village, NYC
When: October 4, 2009

Such a gorgeous word, isn't it? From the from the Latin illuminare, I just learned when checking the spelling. I might like the original word even more.

Variation on a Theme: Star Light

Variation on a Theme: Star Light
Where: Highline Park, Chelsea, NYC
When: October 15, 2009

I prefer the color version, on this second inspection. But I still think the bw is kind of neat. I like the textures. This is a different shot, not a different crop/treatment of the first.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Waiting Games (29/365)

Waiting Games (29/365)
Where: Chicago O'Hare Int'l Airport
When: Today
Sadly, our flight was delayed, so we did a lot of this today.

Wuv, Twue Wuv (28/365)

Wuv, Twue Wuv (28/365)
Where: McHenry, IL
When: Yesterday
Two of our friends got married yesterday! It was a great wedding, laidback, fun, emotional, beautiful, all that good stuff. Kate looked amazing, and was wearing one of the most gloriously gorgeous wedding dresses I've ever seen. On top of that, they happen to have very good taste in friends (obviously ;) ) and therefore there were lots of interesting people to talk to.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sugar Melts (27/365)

Sugar Melts (27/365)
Where: My Apartment, NYC
When: Today

Best catcall ever on my rainy and cold walk to school this morning:

"Better get yourself an umbrella, honey. Sugar melts."

I laughed for three blocks straight. And then it gave me this idea for an indoor subject for today's shot! Good stuff.

Take Cover

Take Cover
Where: Highline Park, Chelsea, NYC
When: October 14, 2009

Must I Arm Myself

Must I Arm Myself
Where: Hudson River Park, Chelsea, NYC
When: October 14, 2009

When I first posted this, I had a cranky, defensive little blurb in anticipation of disagreement with my choice of black and white for this subject. But then I couldn't think of a title, so I left it to work on my 365 shot of the day.

When I came back, Prayer, sung by Sweet Honey In The Rock (an a cappella group led by a member of the Freedom Singers during the Civil Rights movement) was playing, and as I reread what I had written, I realized how hilariously, and aggressively defensive it was. So this title (from the lyrics of that song) seemed appropriate.

"Lord must I do unto others
before they do unto me
Must I arm myself
to protect myself
from harm and injury
Oh no that is not the lesson
that I learned on my mother's knee
when she told me to do unto others
only what I'd have them do unto me"

As always, agree, disagree, and express yourselves at will, my friends.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I don't want to go outside (26/365)

I don't want to go outside (26/365)
It is both cold and raining. In fact, I can see little snow-like formations drifting down with the rain. Not. Happening.
Where: My Apartment, NYC
When: Today

And also, bad Kitten!!
Bad Kitten!

Star Light

Star Light
Where: Highline Park, Chelsea, NYC
When: October 15, 2009

I love these! Don't they look like little galaxies, the way they all swirl around the center??

Moving Up Slowly

Moving Up Slowly
Where: Chelsea, NYC
When: September 28, 2009

Title from Massive Attack's "Inertia Creeps". And it's totally inaccurate, since this little guy could MOVE, I had to be quick to get the composition I wanted.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Have Mercy (25/365)

Have Mercy (25/365)
Where: Highline Park, Chelsea, NYC
When: Today

Title from Traci Chapman's "Say Hallelujah". Just 'cause I happen to be listening to it now, and that's my favorite verse.

"Say Hallelujah
Throw up your hands
The bucket is kicked
The body is gone

Have mercy
It's a wonderful life
Eternal rest for the weary
Mourners party tonight"

Break Time

Break Time
Where: Greenwich St., West Village, NYC
When: October 8, 2009

I'm a sucker for a pretty sky

I'm a sucker for a pretty sky
Where: Hudson River, NYC
When: September 24, 2009


About Me

My photo
New York City, United States

About This Blog

This is my first blog attempt. It hasn't been kept up over the last year, for some reason being pregnant really ate into my creativity, and I picked up the camera very rarely. I am thinking about starting it up again, but am not sure what direction to take it in.

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