Monday, May 10, 2010

Salty Dog

Salty Dog
Where: Florence, OR
When: April 23, 2010

I have a whole lot of moody black and white stuff lined up, so I'm going to try to break it up a bit with a liberal sprinkling of adorableness, otherwise known as Rufus.

I renewed my yoga/meditation "contract" for this week - I anticipate that Thursday will need to be skipped, due to the Massive Attack concert on Wednesday, but I might be able to do at least the meditation part. I am actually finding the reintroduction of meditation into my routine to be one of my favorite parts of this. Well, that and the gradual increase in flexibility. During the week, when I only have time for a few poses, I am concentrating them on the hamstring/low back tightness. Loosening these areas up make walking, and sitting in class with a straight back much more comfortable.



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New York City, United States

About This Blog

This is my first blog attempt. It hasn't been kept up over the last year, for some reason being pregnant really ate into my creativity, and I picked up the camera very rarely. I am thinking about starting it up again, but am not sure what direction to take it in.

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