Gwen, what focal length did you use the verticals are plumb but horizontals and DOF are doing my head in or maybe it's the glass of wine. The one I shall have in an hour. Well done. I would never hang it but find it worth three looks. Cheers.
I was going to say 105mm (35mm equivalent) but then curiosity got the better of me: I went and looked at the EXIF header of the file, which reported 75mm, 35mm-equivalent focal length.
Good eye, Adrian!
Gwen, were you by the eastern edge of The Lake? (I love Central Park)
It's actually using my 50mm lens - Moy, the Exif probably said 75 because the D90 isn't a full frame camera. I was by the eastern edge, we had just tried to go to the Guggenheim, but there was a line out the door and we were too cold to stand in it. So we walked around the lake instead. Because that was warmer... hm... I didn't say we were smart. ;)
Sorry I made your head spin Adrian! Hope the glass of wine made it all better.
This is my first blog attempt. It hasn't been kept up over the last year, for some reason being pregnant really ate into my creativity, and I picked up the camera very rarely. I am thinking about starting it up again, but am not sure what direction to take it in.
Unusual but mildly disconcerting too.
Gwen, what focal length did you use the verticals are plumb but horizontals and DOF are doing my head in or maybe it's the glass of wine. The one I shall have in an hour. Well done. I would never hang it but find it worth three looks. Cheers.
Hi guys,
I was going to say 105mm (35mm equivalent) but then curiosity got the better of me: I went and looked at the EXIF header of the file, which reported 75mm, 35mm-equivalent focal length.
Good eye, Adrian!
Gwen, were you by the eastern edge of The Lake? (I love Central Park)
It's actually using my 50mm lens - Moy, the Exif probably said 75 because the D90 isn't a full frame camera. I was by the eastern edge, we had just tried to go to the Guggenheim, but there was a line out the door and we were too cold to stand in it. So we walked around the lake instead. Because that was warmer... hm... I didn't say we were smart. ;)
Sorry I made your head spin Adrian! Hope the glass of wine made it all better.
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