Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Where: Hudson River Park, Tribeca
When: October 3, 2009

What I Like: The colors, the leaves, the perspective

What I don't like: The dof is too shallow, I should have used a smaller aperture. I kind of want this in a horizontal orientation, but I took a couple shots of this subject this way and didn't end up liking them as much. Maybe I should revisit them, just to check. The line of pebbles was fairly narrow, which might be way horizontal wasn't working for me - I wanted the pebbles and leaves to fill it edge to edge.



About This Blog

This is my first blog attempt. It hasn't been kept up over the last year, for some reason being pregnant really ate into my creativity, and I picked up the camera very rarely. I am thinking about starting it up again, but am not sure what direction to take it in.

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