Turner Tribute (20/365)
Where: Over the Hudson River
When: Today
I know, I know, this one's a little out there and there's no subject and it's totally abstract et cetera, but I like it anyway. The clouds were looking so lovely and straight out of an English Romantic watercolor landscape, and I couldn't resist.
While I haven't meditated today, I did have a wonderful, meditation-esque experience while practicing massage, which was a really big deal, because so far in the school experience, A&P lecture is far and away my favorite class. Which I was worried was not a good sign, since the point is to be in a hands on profession, so shouldn't the hands on classes be my favorite?
But today I had the chance to massage in a quieter, less hectic and fragmented space than the usual hands on classroom, and I found myself go into a completely kinesthetic place, where I felt the massage strokes were flowing through my center and the entire thing became like a dance. It was wonderful, and incredibly rejuvenating to my mind and spirit, and it's the first time I've felt that way. It gives me hope that I can actually be GOOD at this, and also that it could be something that I would find rewarding and would want to do day after day, which is a relief, as I was having a lot of doubt about these things before.
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