Return (24/365)
Where: Over Perry St., West Village, NYC
When: Today
This was the strangest moment - it was an incredibly windy day, and I looked up and between the buildings, these birds (I assume migrating red tails? I couldn't tell from the distance, and with the light) were facing the into the wind, and hanging nearly motionless.
Went to a talk tonight on shikantaza - literally "just sitting" - meditation, given by the Roshi of the zendo I've started sitting at. One of the most interesting parts was interpreting a poem by Shitou Xiqian [700-790], and the following line jumped out for me:
"Turn around the light to shine within, then just return.
The vast inconceivable source can't be faced or turned away from."
I liked the line for itself, but also because it was a turning point within the poem. And ok, because it reminds me of the Bene Gesserit litany against fear. Yeah I know. I'm a dork.
Fear is the mind killer.
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