It sucks to be sick (31/365)
Where: My Apartment, NYC
When: Today
My poor girl has a gastrointestinal thing going on, she had to wake us up twice last night to go outside, and threw up after trying to eat breakfast this morning, and she's walking hunched and flinching when I touch her, so she's still hurting. Took this photo after we got back from the vet. No obstruction that we can tell, so we're doing the "no food, wait 24 hours" thing.
poor poor baby!
I love my dogs, and I hurt when they hurt. I am so sorry.
I am hoping that she feels better VERY soon.
She's beautiful.
All the best for a speedy recovery. I feel so impotent when dealing with sick animals.
Mine deserves to be sick, crap she eats!
I can relate to the poor girl. I'm right there with her.
Thank you for all the good wishes guys (and I hope you're feeling better Pixie!). Piper is back to normal, and we have installed a baby gate at the entrance to the closet that holds the cat litter that is roughly equivalent to fortifications at Fort Knox. So hopefully we won't have any more repeats...
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